Living FULL by Danielle Sherman-Lazar

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Why We Should Be Their Mom Even Though We Struggle

"I shouldn't be a mom. I'm such a screw-up," she whispered under her breath as tears in her soul became tears in her eyes that slowly dripped down her face. She wiped them away with the palms of her hands as she watched her children play close-by. 

We’ve all been her, a parent in a struggle feeling like she’s not enough. 

Like, she maybe shouldn’t be a mom.  

Like, maybe her kids would be better off without her. 

I know I have.

All moms are far from perfect. 

That mom with bad anxiety has days where she feels paralyzed by fear.

That mom with depression has a hard time getting out of bed on some days. 

That mom in eating disorder recovery has days where she looks in the mirror and groans. 

That mom attending Alcoholics Anonymous has days where that bottle of wine may tempt and torment her. 

But we’re good moms regardless of our struggles.

Because we’re the only ones who feel our souls dance every time our children walk into a room.

And we’re the only ones who give them hugs and kisses whenever they ask for it and often “just because.

Because when we love our kids with every fiber of our being, it doesn't matter what struggle we’re facing or have faced, we put one foot in front of the other and rise. 

And we won’t feel like our best selves every day, but we’ll try and show up anyway.

And when we do that, we’re without a doubt the best mother for our children.