A Mother's Love Shows Her Children the Way

A Mother’s Love by Danielle Sherman-Lazar

A mother's love shows her children the way.

It holds influence.

It shapes cultures and people.

It’s powerful. 

When he comes out of the womb crying, it’s a mother who gives him comfort for the first time, in the warmth of her chest and the ease of her voice.

The love of a mother’s primal. When faced with danger, she’ll stop at nothing—who threatens her children. 

The love of a mother turns her attention to her little ones before anything. Even when she’s burnt out, tired, and completely overwhelmed, or on the ground crying.

And a child trusts that kind of unconditional love. 

A mother’s love allows her children to do the best they can because she knows she has someone behind her if she fails. 

A mother’s love does what’s best for her children even when others don't agree with her choices because that’s all that matters to her. 

It’s the light at the end of a dark tunnel.

A mother’s love is a child’s strength. 

It changes with a child’s needs but is always there, hand-holding him through life. 

A mother's love shows her children the way. 

Danielle Sherman-Lazar

Danielle Sherman-Lazar is a mental health advocate and mother to three daughters. She has been published on numerous websites including: InspireMore, Scary Mommy, Bluntmoms, The Mighty, ellenNation, Project Heal, Love What Matters, Cafemom.com, Beating Eating Disorders, Her View From Home, Motherly, Recovery Warriors, and Humorwriters.org.


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