Living FULL with Our Post-Baby Bodies
“How could she let herself go like that?” “Wow, she really let herself go.” I’ve heard people say these words with a slow shake of their heads.
“Are you pretty, Mommy?” My daughter asked. I thought for a second as I starred in the mirror, strands of hair sticking straight in the air, eyes tired, face pale.
I don’t want my “body back” because that means I wouldn’t have my children. Plus, It didn’t go anywhere, it only changed for the better.
Am I the only mom struggling with my mental health? Am I the only mom who’s exhausted but can't fall asleep at night because I worry about everything?
I want to tell you about the “you” I remember from my eyes. I could tell the days were long for you, but our world was always moving fast.
Mommy has a squishy tummy with excess skin that hangs over her pants. She can take a fist full of it and hold it in her hands.
Size doesn’t matter. It means absolutely nada, zero, zip, zilch. If you have a smaller waistline, you won’t be happier. I can guarantee it.
You don't love swimsuit season, never have, most likely never will. The problem is your world has grown smaller as your fear of showing off your body has grown larger.